Distributed integrated energy sy商吧stem

Hydrogen is the simplest and most a年秒bundant element in the通刀 universe. Hydrogen energy i議現s a high-quality secondary energy,匠畫 which is renewable, clea分志n, efficient and has 村雨huge potential. It is an energ內看y carrier that can數這 be produced through r花下enewable energy. I爸子t is regarded as an "energy 歌鐘connector" and h秒朋as an important and 自一close relationship很唱 with electricity.

Hydrogen energy is an i如術mportant track of the global ene可照rgy technology revo關老lution, and also an important part秒雨 of China's energy system. The 議農development and麗家 utilization of hydrogen一小 energy are critical低技 to improving the countr體藍y's energy struc大草ture. The intelligent distr好間ibuted integrated energy報街 system based on hydrogen energy is an愛空 effective way to房我 use hydrogen energy. The establishment子秒 of an energy supply and demand system短司 on both hydrogen and electricity做裡 will comprehensively prom術費ote the efficient development銀妹 of energy, economy and ecology睡司.

Beijing Wenli has店就 been committed to the關請 research, promotion a厭服nd application o麗章f hydrogen energy for 司場a long time. The inde動雪pendently developed "Distr農通ibuted Integrated Ener但上gy System" inte日店grates hydrogen energy with wind, l東議ight, water, heat and 家跳other renewable energies, make花少s full use of the advan和好tages of various energies, f綠雪orms a comprehensive energy supply sys城作tem that complements mul制那tiple energy advantages, and u動間ses the power grid as the p低東hysical medium, 5G 歌不and IOT as the inform文時ation interaction medium to b呢體uild an intelligent energy disp購道atching and control center, Makes 計來energy supply "smart", "modul車用ar" and "diversified", pr窗答omotes the transf什不ormation of green energy就師 development, and helpin小坐g achieve the "30 • 60" du高風al carbon goal.

WLFCIES series products -船區 "Distributed Int腦上egrated Energy System" based on neural長電 dynamic optimization學銀. The rated power of a single 事到module is 500kW.大亮 It supports cus場場tomization, mult熱愛i module expansion, and multi energy開暗 coupling. Through 土鐵customized solutions北遠, it explores the new m我見ode of green power東劇 direct supply 兵讀and green hydrogen en又哥ergy storage, greatly自作 improves the level of cle厭又an energy consumption, and improves t湖動he peak load guarantee capa師們bility of regional power 線東grids.

High efficiency
Hydrogen electricity conversi這校on efficiency 5外友7%~65%, Cogeneration但紙 efficiency>90%
Intelligent control
Based on the self放算-developed IES (Inte空空grated Energy System) control system, i湖音t is interconnected睡文 with other energy c店的ontrol systems and湖金 energy collectors to achieve inte靜小lligent energy d見紙ispatching control in one ste西和p
Ambient temperature
- 30 ℃~50 ℃ (10%不間~95%RH humidity)
Working altitude
≤ 3000m
Design life
≥ 40000h
Power range
The system is a high-pow河車er, high-efficiency and modular in人西tegrated hydroge謝森n energy storage pr日工oduct, and is a 要玩distributed zero carbon emissi少弟on power generati能低on system based on市冷 the core technology of 腦數hydrogen energy storage.
According to different appl知門ication scenarios, t煙商he configuration mode他街 and control mode can be 水家flexibly adjusted, 長姐with strong environment adaptabilit玩遠y, it can be applied to森吃 industries, communities, offs現身hore energy and other d裡哥iverse fields.